Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Campaign Use Case - Catalog Mailer

This use case creates a direct mail campaign using the segmentation grid to drive the selection. Each recipient will receive a printed catalog through the postal service.

Our target audience is customers aged 25-65, but we wish to limit this campaign to the top 3 Deciles in Customer Profit. Since we are sending an expensive catalog we will limit the drop to no more than one per address.

We will test various promotions to sampled audiences and assign each of those unique promotions to a cell. We will put a short descriptive value in the 'Code' column which identifies this promotion.

We need to create the following elements in the campaign document before attempting to use the Grid Segmentation Interface:

Campaign Key (Overview Tab) Cust ID
File Tactic (Tactics Tab) Designer Range Catalog
Audience Inclusions (Audience Tab) Age Range of 25-65

Campaign Recipient Text Variable

Varriable name: CXR1, with A1, A2 and A3 as the Choice List values

On N per X select One per Household ID from the Customer table:

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